Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome to the World Zoe Elizabeth

My daughter was put in the hospital because her blood pressure went up and her kidneys were being affected.  The next morning they decided they would induce labor.  Well, as a result we were blessed with the little miracle, Zoe Elizabeth.  She was born at 4:00 PM weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long.  I am the most blessed grandma anywhere!  I have grandchildren from both my son and my daughter and I am am walkingn on air!  Praise be to God!


  1. Gorgeous baby! So glad it all turned out so well. Keep the updates rollin' Congratulations, grandma!

  2. that's wonderful news! God is so good. I'm happy for all of you.


Will blog for comments!